I and all my friends in Architecture 2011 (I hope so) will travelling or exactly field-course to Singapore in the end of this May. It is our dream to excursion together as a whole 2011. We will learn about many things that we had in our lecture. Why we chose Singapore? After we discussed in a long time about a lot of city such as Hongkong, Tokyo, and also some in Europe (wow! not really, it's just a dream) and some in Indonesia. Because Singapore is almost similar to Indonesia like the tropical climate, and more feasible to do, so we chose Singapore. There were some friend disagree with this decision, but also some friend agree, like me.
I just expected why some my friend didn't want to go to Singapore, because they had it! so did I, but you may have to know, we are going to there together with our friends as a student of Architecture, you have to be proud of it! I know there was some of my friends had to Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, even Europe, Japan, Korea, and Turkey and also many more. I thought there will be a different feeling when we are together with our friends. So, we have to try this out.
Do we just travelling? Of course no! We learn about Singapore, the city, about the buildings, open space, green space, type of housing, type of buildings, building functions, and the urban architecture and many more about architectural things. Beside that, we will make an exhibition for this excursion and also I heard that we will make an excursion book for our documentation. We will present it proudly and trying to be good and better from the others.
Now and later, there is a problem, it's just one, money. We need a lot of money to send 113 students to Singapore from Bandung. We had a lot of work fund raising such as sell snacks, fruits, donuts, mineral waters, tea, brownies, cakes, fried food, and also a lot of kind foods and beverages. We had form a committee. There are chairman, secretary, treasurer, field coordinator, fund raising, exhibition division, permission division, and some division that I forget. Our lecturer had already agree with this excursion, even one or some of them want to go with us together, being a guide for us in Singapore.
We have a proposal. We need sponsors, as many as we can. We will make sure the sponsors to let us go and bring the advantages to both of us. So, if you want to sponsor us, you can call me, or if you just read this, you can give me some recommendation to collect money as many as we can do. I'm sure we can make our dreams come true. We are Balavirya, we are friends that always inspired and encouraged each other. So, that's all my thought about our dreams from a student of Architecture's life. I hope there will someone at least one reader. Thank you for your attention.