Monday, November 3, 2014

Parametric Design: "Batik Facade"

Yesterday, I have finished the tasks for Algoritmic Approach for Design Architecture. The lectures were awesome for me who didn't know anything about Building Information Modeling. We used the computer laboratory on the third floor at Architecture Building. The monitor is really big rather than our laptop, hahaha. We're using Rhinoceros and Grasshopper for this lectures. The lecturer is a "professor" and still young (for a lecturer). Let's go to the point of the title.

This first tasks came about three weeks ago (beside another tasks). We have to make a model using a method that we have learned every week. There were parametric truss, space frame, lamella, paneling, voronoi, etc. Voronoi is the most interesting method to be developed for our design. But I chose paneling even the files could be bigger and have to waiting for the result of definition at Grasshopper. Finally, I think, my files is less than the others. Nah, that's not the point.

Here's the poster for this task. Its size is about A2 paper. The title I chose is "Batik Parametric Facade Building". It means I made a facade which the surface is parametric and the shape is from Batik as known as the Indonesian characteristic. I'm so proud to be remembered about this batik. The pattern was came from a motive called Batik Kawung Motive. I explained the concept and steps for designing this parametric design. You can also following the step to make the same concept or make the development.

First Task Poster.

This poster has a little bit different from the Indonesian version (because I made it after that). I hope I can get the best grade for this lecture. This is just the other masterpiece that I can made. I wish I can do the better things for the other lecture. If you have any question and suggestion just ask me anything and anywhere. :)

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